Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

How to deal with rising building costs

No doubt you’re feeling the effects of inflation. At the time of writing, inflation in the UK is tracking at 9%. But if your building firm is booked up into 2023, you may be surprised – and even a little alarmed - to hear just how big an impact inflation will have on building projects starting in the future.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

Beyond estimating with spreadsheets

Perhaps you’re quite satisfied estimating building work using spreadsheets you’ve developed. But are your spreadsheets helping or hindering you when it comes to making decent profits? Are you at risk of getting left behind by the smart builders who are using 21st century methods to run their businesses?

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Joanna Mulgrew Joanna Mulgrew

Finding the best estimating software for your building firm

There’s a range of building estimating software and apps on the market and we recommend choosing a solution from an established software company to ensure you’re getting a quality product. Find out how to select the most suitable software for your firm.

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Sally Pitt Sally Pitt

What’s the best tool for estimating construction work?

Key to a successful building project is the estimation of the building costs which takes place before the commencement of any work. As you’re no doubt aware, estimating is simply the process of calculating the costs of the project, including material purchases, plant hire and labour requirements. An accurate estimate can be the difference between making a profit and making a loss.

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Joanna Mulgrew Joanna Mulgrew

BuilderTrend versus EstimatorXpress by HBXL

These are just the views of the team Builderestimatingsoftware.co.uk. Please do check out the construction estimating software packages yourself. Here’s a summary of some of the main differences between BuilderTrend and EstimatorXpress…

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

How to estimate building work more quickly

There’s a way to estimate building projects faster whilst increasing your profit margins. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. All you need is the right builder estimating software.

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Sally Pitt Sally Pitt

HBXL Estimating Service or Build Aviator: who gives my building firm more options?

Will you be Team Build Aviator or Team HBXL Estimating Service? Choosing the best construction estimating software for your building firm is hard enough, but deciding on an estimating service takes the decision-making to another level. Why? Well you’re putting your business, your reputation, your trust, your money… in the hands of another company.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

EstimatorXpress or Price a Job: Which is best for my building firm?

If you’re considering using Price a Job or EstimatorXpress to estimate building projects, there are a couple of key factors you need to think about. The most suitable software for your business depends on the type of work you undertake and what you need from the software.

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Joanna Mulgrew Joanna Mulgrew

Knowing your numbers – growing your sales and profit

Software can plug any profit leaks in a building project and bring you financial success. Here’s why…

There are two important factors when it comes to the profit on any construction project:

1) The accuracy of your quote

2) The management of the job once won

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Joanna Mulgrew Joanna Mulgrew

10 ways to save time running your building firm

Being the boss of a building firm typically means lots of responsibilities: estimating, quoting for work, overseeing work on site, obtaining planning permission, approvals, health and safety, trips to the merchants… Every minute counts. If you feel like you need to become more efficient, check out our list of what productive people do well.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

Estimating software for builders: You get what you pay for

“Buy cheap, buy twice.” “Cheap and cheerful.” I’m sure you can think of other sayings about value for money. We all like a bargain but equally we know that things are usually cheap for a reason. You wouldn’t choose the cheapest tools for your trade.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

5 steps to building firm success in 2022

We all know January can be a hard month. The weather is awful; it’s dark and wet. Building projects often get delayed. However, it’s not all doom and gloom. This quieter period can be an excellent opportunity to reflect on your business and what you can do to take it forward.

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Sally Pitt Sally Pitt

Best builder estimating software with free trials

Professional builder estimating software companies should always offer free trials. It’s worth seeking them out to decide on the best estimating software for you. For example, both HBXL Building Software and BuildingWorks offer free trials.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

Top 10 must-have features in construction estimating software

The estimating software features that are top of the list for successful residential building firms in the UK are very specific. Take a look here at the ones that have made it into the top 10. There are plenty of others, but these are the ones that must be included for the software programme to make the grade.

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