What impact will estimating software have on my building firm?

You’re running a building firm and you are considering estimating software. You’re winning already! You’re thinking about the future of your business. Deciding to leave behind manual estimating and Excel spreadsheets is half the battle!

So what difference could estimating software make to your building firm? Let’s look at the known benefits of choosing a professional programme like EstimatorXpress or BuildingWorks. (Less feature-rich phone apps and trade-orientated software tools won’t necessarily offer all of the same benefits).

  • There’s a chance you’re leaking profit currently. The right software will improve the accuracy of your estimating and therefore more of the profit will be retained - that’s obviously a big plus for your business. It could mean more money in the bank, a buffer for when there are problems, funds for marketing, new kit...

  • Unless you have huge amounts of time available to trawl websites, phone builders merchants, and drive round merchants - then inaccurate materials pricing are impacting your business. Your business would be better off with software that does the tracking and monitoring for you - giving you regular price updates.

  • The functions that help you add on overheads, wastage, wear and tear, and all-important inflation, will also help a business succeed. If you don’t charge the customer - the money has to be found from elsewhere.

  • Efficient, fast estimating software will mean you spend less time estimating and will have more time to concentrate on the business itself. Time to consider where you want to take your business - what goals you want to achieve.

  • Equally, the time saved estimating can result in evenings and weekends off to relax - which is crucial too. No business can thrive when the boss is running on half empty.

  • Automatically-produced material schedules and readymade material order sheets will also reduce builders merchant to-ing and fro-ing. Think of the impact that alone will have on your business?

  • Your business profile will be enhanced. Customers respond positively to well constructed, professional looking quotations. You’ll build a positive reputation.

  • Your business will be more organised. The software will help you manage projects efficiently. Trying to work out when materials, plant and labour need to be on site when material delays are impacting is hugely stressful - and is increasingly affecting the mental health of builders.

  • Your employees and sub-contractors will have more confidence in you and a positive attitude towards your business. Not everyone will give their all to a chaotic work place - constant fire-fighting doesn’t create a good impression. A ‘live’ build programme and dashboard monitoring your jobs will be game-changers.

Basically, professional construction estimating software will create more time, save money, aid efficiency, and enhance your reputation. There are plenty more benefits, depending on your requirements and the particular version you go for. Whatever, the impact is a positive one. Staying with manual estimating or inferior software and you risk being left behind. So choose well and choose soon!


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