Why wouldn’t you want estimating software for your building firm?

Estimating and quoting for building projects can be a laborious and often complicated task – that is of course if you’re doing it manually. However, if you add estimating software to your toolkit, you can simplify this difficult aspect of your work. With estimating software, you can:

  • Save loads of time

  • Make your estimates more accurate

  • Produce slick-looking quotes to win over your customers

  • Manage your project efficiently using automated schedules, reports and build programmes

  • Ensure you make a decent profit

  • Compete for larger or more exclusive projects

The business case for investing in software is clear. So what’s holding you back? Here are some common concerns:

“I’m too busy to make a significant change to my business”

You’re extremely busy at the moment. It’s a fact. But take a step back for a moment. Is your busy-ness leading to the profits you deserve? Estimating software can be the key to unlocking real profitability. Can you afford to wait until a quieter period to bring your business into the 21st century? You’re no doubt already competing against building firms who have be using and winning work with estimating software for years. Now is the time to take the plunge.

“When will I have time to learn how to use the software?”

We understand this concern but – provided you go for the right software solution – it’ll take hours – not weeks to get up to speed with your new way of estimating. If you choose a product such as HBXL Building Software’s EstimatorXpress, estimating is made easier with hundreds of “out of the box” standard quote templates. Select one of the new build, extension, garage or conservatory templates, type in the overall building dimensions and the software automatically begins to calculate the quantities and costs of the materials, labour and plant for you. Of course, you can make your specification choices, swap materials as required and so on, to tailor the estimate.

But here’s the significant part. When you purchase EstimatorXpress, HBXL will invite you to complimentary, online software skills training to get you on your way. Moreover, you’ll be able to call or email the support team as often as required, without cost, for the first year. This means there’s always help at hand. And if you like to follow tutorials at your own pace, you can refer to the “how-to” help videos to really help you master the software.

“I can’t justify the cost of software”

Perhaps the cost is putting you off making the purchase. Remember, time is money. You need to think costs v benefits. Estimating software is a very small outlay for a building firm turning over tens of thousands of pounds of work per year – or more! Software is a tool of the trade for builders in the 21st century. Just like the backhoe loader you hire (without a moment’s hesitation), estimating software does the hard work for you, and does the job in a fraction of the time. The software will pay for itself within a project or two with the time is saves. Moreover, the professional-looking quote your software produces will put you in the running to win more upmarket work. It’s a win-win.

If the initial outlay is the concern, estimating software such as EstimatorXpress and BuildingWorks is available on annual subscription, reducing the upfront costs.

Now is the time

The business case for investing in estimating software is compelling. It’ll not only save you time. It’ll help you win better, more profitable work. Plus, with all the project management tools at your disposal, you’ll keep a tight rein on costs and - ultimately – your profit.

Find out more about which estimating software is most suitable for your business.


How to estimate building work more quickly


HBXL Estimating Service or Build Aviator: who gives my building firm more options?