Four methods of estimating building work

Estimating building work can be a time-consuming and tedious task. However, there are many estimating software tools – and services – on the market to take the pain out of the process. In this post, we discuss four different estimating solutions which are used by UK-based small to medium sized building firms. These options not only save you time on traditional estimating methods – they help protect your profits by accurately calculating your costs. 

In this post, we’ll look at the following four estimating approaches:

1.      Estimating using smart quote templates

2.      Estimating while you design

3.      Taking off existing plans for an automatic estimate

4.      Outsourcing to an estimating service

Estimating using smart quote templates

Market-leader EstimatorXpress provides its builders with hundreds of building estimate “templates” which cost up a wide range of typical projects, from refurbishments and extensions to conservatories and new builds. These intelligent quote templates understand how to build different types of projects and come pre-loaded with the relevant materials, labour and plant specified. As you can imagine, using a quote template gives you quite a head start with your estimate, meaning you can estimate an entire extension in under an hour and renovation work in less than thirty minutes.

EstimatorXpress automates the estimating process. First, you select a template which matches your project, for example, a ‘Hip Valley Roof Double Storey Extension’. Type in the external measurements of the building, set the ceiling height and pitch of the roof, then quickly review the default specification – make any edits as required. The software then does the maths to work out the lengths and areas of each resource. Let’s take the walls as an example. The software uses the wall lengths and height to calculate the area of brickwork, blockwork, cavity fill, insulation, finishes and so on. Window and door areas are automatically deducted from the wall area. The building costs update in real time as you review each element of the build. Despite doing most of the work for you, the software remains flexible. You can adapt every estimate to fit the customer’s specification or budget. For example, changing the cavity insulation or block specification can be done in a click or two and you can immediately see the impact on price.  

Once the estimate’s complete, you’re provided with to a professional, itemised customer quotation and a range of management reports. EstimatorXpress saves builders masses of time. See for yourself:

Estimating while you design

Designed for general builders, property developers and house builders, BuildingWorks is a unique product on the market. It consists of Design and Estimate modules which allow you to do two processes at once - estimate the project costs whilst you design the plans. Tell the software what you’re building, design your plans, and see the project costs update in real time as you draw. Swap products in and out of the design to see the impact on budget or thermal rating.

In addition to a complete cost breakdown and written client quote, you have access to multiple valuable reports such as cost reports, material schedules, profit forecasts and cashflow reports. This clever software also generates an NRM (SMM7 style Bill of Quantities) document – essential if you’re tendering for projects.

If you engage in design and build work and currently work on your project designs and estimates separately, BuildingWorks may be the solution for you. See first-hand:

Taking off existing plans for an automatic estimate

If you frequently estimate costs by taking measurements off a client’s plans, this could be the best method for you. Taking-off using software basically means tracing over your client’s plans on screen, selecting some specification options and firing off the drawing off to be estimated automatically.   

Take-off & Estimate Kit by HBXL consists of a take-off tool which connects with EstimatorXpress. It’s a straightforward process to take off the plans. First, import a PDF, AutoCAD file or scanned image then use the intelligent tracing tools to specify and obtain the dimensions of the walls, floors, doors, windows and roofs. The software will capture the wall lengths, floor areas, roof pitches and so on. Once the dimensions and specification details have been “hoovered up”, import the drawing into EstimatorXpress. In a minute or two, EstimatorXpress calculates all of the material, labour and plant requirements and costs. And, as mentioned previously, it will build a raft of reports, including a Gantt chart, to help you manage the project.

If you decide you’d like to go for the Take-off & Estimate Kit, you also get the estimating by template feature at no extra cost. Double winning! Check it out:

Outsourcing to an estimating service

The simplest way of getting an estimate done with minimal effort on your part, is outsourcing the task to an estimating service. HBXL Estimating Service is a quality service with an established pedigree. Based in the UK, they use professional estimators with building experience.

You may choose to use an estimating service for more complex or larger projects or when you’re overrun with quote requests. Alternatively, you may decide to use the service for all of your day-to-day estimating.

Simply upload your plans and specification notes using the HBXL Estimating Service uploader. You’ll then be given a quote for the work along with a date for completing the estimate. Decide if you want to go ahead. If you do, your dedicated estimator will start work, contacting you if there are any queries.  

Once complete, you’ll receive a detailed estimate, client quote and report pack.

Which method is best for your business?

We’ve presented four different ways of producing an accurate, detailed estimate and business-winning quotation. Now it’s over to you to determine which solution is best for your business?


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